Good morning!
While last week I said that I would be focusing on level of detail effects in Maya, I received feedback from our programmer that the textures were not showing up on my model after I sent him the Unity package. Therefore, I spent my time this week returning to the original Unity scene and extracting the necessary textures.
However, upon doing this, I realized there were faces on the model that were facing the wrong way, resulting in graphical errors. I returned to the Maya file to flip these faces and fix these errors, then exported the fixed model as an .fbx with the same file location and name to replace the previous broken model. With this, the model was properly textured and functional, so I exported another Unity package and sent it to our programmer.
After being told that the package was imported into the final project with minimal issues, I finalized my documentation and submitted my integration assignment for review. As all of the characters will be moderately close to the player within this build, there was no need for level of detail optimization effects. However, I still see this as a valuable tool for game development, and I plan on returning to the subject either before the semester ends or over the Summer.