National Brewing Company
National Brewing Company
Mr. Boh (1936)
With a wink and a smile, Mr. Boh made his debut in1936 as the mascot/logo for the beer brand National Bohemian. Created shortly after prohibition by the National Brewing Company’s marketing team, Mr. Boh was designed as a cartoon illustration that captures the essence of a dapper everyman, a style often seen in 1930-1950’s illustrations. His floating head design contains a single eye (the missing eye most likely a play on a wink, but has become something of an urban legend), hair parted in the middle and a large, upturned mustache set above an inviting smile. Mr. Boh has relished his role as the face of National Bohemian for 87 years. Along the way, he has help Natty Boh quench Baltimorean’s thirsts (90% of all sales are in Baltimore), he has helped innovate beer distribution by being the first brand to be sold as a 6-pack, he was the only liquor sold at Memorial Stadium (then home of the Baltimore Orioles) which catapulted its local popularity leading it to becoming the official beer of Baltimore (1965), and in 2011 he finally set down roots, marrying the Utz girl in a public ceremony. This iconic image has become a Baltimore cultural icon and though it is no longer brewed locally, Mr. Boh’s head is displayed on the top of the old brewery in Brewers Hill and is a fixture in the Baltimore city skyline. So, let’s raise a glass and cheers our Baltimore legend, Mr. Boh!