Exploring & Gardening

Exploring Nature

Of all the outdoor activities you can do with your kids, hiking is one of the best options to consider. Hiking has becomeĀ much more popularĀ over the last few years and there are tons of trails out there that are perfect for young children and novice hikers.


Hiking in the wood.

There are lots of reasons to take your kids on more hiking trips. Some of the greatest benefits of hiking with kids include the following:

  • It’s a great form of exercise.
  • It helps to build self-confidence.
  • It teaches them to appreciate nature.
  • It allows everyone to unplug.

This last benefit is especially important. These days, the average kid spends more than eight hours per day looking at screens! If you want them to spend less time staring at a screen, you need to provide them with a fun and rewarding alternative, and hiking is the perfect solution.






Learning how to grow vegetable

Explore nature and learn how to recognize and grow vegetables and flowers.

Staying home more means more time for at-home projects we’ve always wanted to do but never felt like we had time for. For many people that means it’s time to get dirty! Home gardening is experiencing a big boom right now.

We love gardening, not only because it allows you to grow your own food, but it’s a great way to get kids outside and give them a better sense of where their food comes from.

Make gardening even more fun for kids by planting a “themed” garden, like a rainbow garden that includes vegetables that will come up in all the colors of the rainbow, a pizza garden that includes veggies your family likes to include on pizza or a salsa garden that includes everything you need to make your own!