Teaching Entrepreneurship

You’ve heard it, we all have: In the fractious economy of today and tomorrow, it pays to be entrepreneurial.  Be a self-starter. Be creative, inventive — and, as difficult as it can be to think like this, be unafraid to fail. But how do we do it?

More than concentrating on the practicalities of starting a business, entrepreneurs start by building on their social networks. They become keen observers of the surrounding environment. Independence, tenacity and the desire to innovate are also part of the entrepreneur’s skill set.

But that’s not all: We must disconnect the entrepreneurial mindset from that of the “earner.” And it’s crucial that we recognize the entrepreneurial potential in ourselves. No matter who you are or where you come from, you are able to generate new ideas, develop innovative perspectives and craft propositions – and sometimes those things lead to other chains of thought that result in plans, presentations and products.

Let’s clear up the confusion about what makes an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs are doers – doesn’t matter whether they own a business, work for others in a corporation, or make policy. Entrepreneurial behavior is reflected in an ability to identify opportunities, but, more importantly, the know-how to shape, assess and develop opportunities into feasible business ideas.

Looking forward to discussing these ideas with students and observe new companies come to existence this new semester!

About Tiago Ratinho Oliveira

Teaching Entrepreneurship: empowering students to take control of their careers and make a difference in the world.
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