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CELTT is excited to announce that the University of Baltimore has sign on to the USM SoTL Reliance Agreement!

USM System-wide Reliance Agreement for SoTL

In Fall 2021, the Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation partnered with the Human Research Protection Program in the UMCP Division of Research to develop a System-wide Institutional Review Board protocol for USM faculty engaging in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) research projects that pose minimal risk to participants. The Kirwan Center oversees the standing SoTL IRB protocol that has been approved by UMCP’s IRB.

The University of Baltimore has entered into this reliance agreement. With this agreement, faculty can propose specific SoTL projects that pose minimal risk to participants using a streamlined amendment form that will go to the UMCP IRB for expedited review.

All SoTL research that presents minimal risk can use this new process, although you may choose to submit through the UBalt IRB. 

Want to learn more about how this impacts your scholarship and creative pursuits as faculty? Our SoTL page has all the details!
