The End (and the Beginning) of Crazy!

Had a bit of a blog lapse due to the end of the academic year craziness and currently experiencing a lapse due to beginning of summer craziness.  Will it not stop?!?  Let us itemize:

End of academic year: after the final push to get any papers out before tenure review I was reminded that, oh yeah, I have STUDENTS I’ve been ignoring!  Grade, grade, grade the work that piled up; prep, prep, prep them for their end of term projects/papers/presentationsCopies 05 27 2016 852Evaluate said work; turn in grades; celebrate:

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Crash from exhaustion (but still answer their emails inquiring about said grades).  And, naturally, graduate some of them:

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Finally, get that presentation ready for the conference and, oh, it might be nice to make flight and hotel reservations.

Next up: what ensued in the post graduation frenzy.  Hint: it involves this:

Copies 05 27 2016 561cults

Til next time, where upon all mysteries will be resolved!

One thought on “The End (and the Beginning) of Crazy!

  1. Bonny

    These all seem like very valid reasons for a blog lapse. I’m a bit curious about your mysteries; is that something connected with Gamelan? I’ve never thought of it as a cult, but I guess I’ll understand in due time!


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