UBalt Law Team Places First Nationally in Environmental Law Competition

The University of Baltimore School of Law’s finalist team in the Pace University Elisabeth Haub School of Law Environmental Law and Policy Hack Competition finished first in the nation for its brief and presentation, “Achieving a Circular Economy for Textile Waste in Baltimore City: Improving a Significant Public-Private Partnership Through Targeted Legal Reform.” The virtual competition took place on April 19, 2024. 

This national competition challenges law students across the nation to propose innovative legal solutions to environmental and social issues facing our country. This year, the competition prompted students to address the issue of household waste at the regional, subnational or national scale. The UBalt Law team focused on the increasing concerns surrounding household textiles (clothing, durable fabric goods, etc.) and the waste and environmental justice concerns associated with them in Baltimore City and Maryland more broadly, says 3L and team leader James Duffy. 

The Pace Competition allows finalist teams to present their proposals to a panel of expert judges and rewards the first-place team with a $2,000 grant to implement proposed solutions. 

The Baltimore Law team consisted of students pictured: front row, from left, JamesDuffy and Jessica Kweon; middle row, from left: Adam Fetian, Hannah Krehely and Cameron Luzarraga; back row, from left: Abby Badro, Carmen Perry, Paige Lauenstein and Spencer Baldacci.

The team was coached by UBalt Law Prof. Sonya Ziaja; Lisa Scianella, chief of staff from Helpsy, for contributing a wealth of knowledge and feedback on proposed solutions; and law alumni Lisa Blitstein, J.D. ’22, and Grant Foehrkolb, J.D. ’14.

Photo by Juan Pablo Soto Médico.

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