April News & Updates
Welcome Back from Spring Break! We hope you are rested and recharged! CELTT has some exciting news along with some new features for you this month, including the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning and Emerging Learning Technology pages that are blossoming with information to inform and add curiosity to your teaching and learning adventures!
Big news: CELTT is excited to announce that the University of Baltimore has joined into the USM SoTL Reliance Agreement!
USM Systemwide Reliance Agreement for SoTL
In Fall 2021, the Kirwan Center for Academic Innovation partnered with the Human Research Protection Program in the UMCP Division of Research to develop a System-wide IRB protocol for USM faculty engaging in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) research projects that pose minimal risk to participants. The Kirwan Center oversees the standing SoTL IRB protocol that has been approved by UMCP’s Institutional Review Board.
UBalt has entered into this reliance agreement. With this agreement, faculty can propose appropriate SoTL projects using a streamlined amendment form that goes to the UMCP IRB for expedited review. All SoTL research that presents minimal risk can use this new process. You do not have to use this process and can opt to send to UBalt IRB.
If you want to learn more about how this impacts your scholarship and creative pursuits, our new SoTL page has all the details!
Has your interest been on the rise in the ongoing AI and ChatGPT buzz?
Our new Emerging Learning Technology page provides all the latest updates (though this changes often) on AI and ChatGPT.
Please join us for the in-person CELTT Spring Teaching Talk Series: ChatGPT and AI. All sessions will be in in person in BL412 (RLB Library) from noon to 1 p.m.
This series will be open sessions to learn, snack, and discuss ChatGPT, GPT-4, and the latest AI Bing Search in more depth. With the constantly changing technology, and AI’s rapid appearance in higher education, we are excited to talk about various ways to think about assignments, AI integration, assessment, and how to use our experiences with AI to produce the scholarship of teaching and learning. Come learn, snack, and interact with CELTT! For more details on dates, times and topics, check out the Events Page.
If you are interested in learning more about on AI and ChatGPT, sign up for this free New York Times newsletter.
Announcing the Inaugural CELTT Excellence in Transformative Teaching Award
The Inaugural CELTT Excellence in Transformative Teaching Award recognizes exceptional teaching and innovation within the University of Baltimore classroom and community. The award aims to acknowledge a faculty member who has transformed the learning experience in the classroom by demonstrating a record of success in educating and transforming undergraduate and/or graduate students in any discipline. This can include the use of high-impact practices, emerging learning technologies, curricular revisions, and other teaching practices that transform students and teachers. The award includes a $2,000 prize and recognition during a Fall 2023 Teaching & Learning Celebration. The call for nominations is now open and closes on May 31, 2023; final applications are due by July 1, 2023. The award is open to all faculty: Adjuncts, Lecturers, Professors of Practice, Visiting Professors, Tenure-track, and Tenure. Nominations can be submitted by anyone, including faculty members themselves, by completing the nomination form.
Stay Tuned on the CELTT Channel for more details!