AI in the ClassroomEmerging Learning TechnologyTeaching & LearningTeaching Corner

Sample AI Syllabus Language

The unprecedented changes and influence of ChatGPT and other AI technology got many instructors looking for ways to provide more guidance for their students and their course policies. Below we share different versions of what an AI syllabus statements on AI-generated material could say. The language presented are only suggestions. There are as yet no clear policy directives from UBalt or USM.

Three different AI tolerance approaches are described: the prohibitive statement, the use-with-permission statement, and the abdication statement.

Limited/guided use of AI is allowed
I recognize that there are many AI assisted programs available to assist with writing. However, AI programs are not a replacement for individualized creativity, originality, and critical thinking. We may use AI writing tools (e.g., ChatGPT) under guidelines as a class. You will be informed as to when, where, and how these tools are allowed to be used, along with guidance for attribution. Any use of AI tools outside of these announced instances, constitutes a violation of UBalt’s Academic Integrity Policy, and will result in appropriate consequences. 

All AI use is allowed
All AI Writing tools (e.g., ChatGPT) are welcome in this class, as long as you cite the tool, as well as when and how you used it to complete the assignment. 

[Instructor gives examples of how to cite use of this tool in student writing in their class.] 

No AI use is allowed
AI Writing tools are not permitted in this class. If you use these tools, your actions will be considered academically dishonest, which constitutes a violation of UBalt’s Academic Integrity Policy, and will result in appropriate consequences.