Teaching Corner

September Reading Recommendations

Ever imagined a course designed, taught, and assessed by AI? Andrew Maynard (of Arizona State University’s School for the Future of Innovation in Society) unveils the magic of using ChatGPT, from crafting content to reshaping traditional education. Discover how AI isn’t just enhancing learning but also fine-tuning educators. Curious? Read his article here and stay up to date with CELTT’s upcoming educational tools designed to support the UBalt faculty and students with AI integration and utilization.

Following Jessica’s focus story and reflection on academic freedom, we’ve found two compelling articles from Inside Higher Education that further delve into the nuances of free speech within academia. In “What If the Campus Speech Crisis Is a Hoax…”, Leon Sachs of the University of Kentucky suggests that proactively addressing campus speech concerns might result in a more progressive and welcoming university environment. Conversely, Elizabeth Niehaus from the University of Nebraska writes “No, There’s No Free Speech Crisis” to alert readers of the pitfalls of endorsing the “speech crisis” narrative and its implications for higher education. Together, these articles underscore the importance and complexity of free speech and academic liberty in contemporary education.