DEIB Corner

Honoring Heritage, Addressing Needs, and Saluting Service

In this month’s DEIB Corner, we are bringing attention to significant observances and the diverse experiences of our community members:

  • Native American Heritage Month: Explore the underrepresentation and unique challenges faced by Indigenous students in the tech field with an insightful article from Inside Higher Ed. This resource sheds light on the importance of diversity in computer science education and the steps needed to support Native American student success.
  • Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week: A sobering look at the realities of poverty, food insecurity, and homelessness is provided in a document that emphasizes the increased urgency of these issues during the COVID-19 crisis. This portion of the Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week Campus Organizing Toolkit calls for awareness and action to address these critical problems affecting people across the nation, including those in our academic community.
  • Veterans Day: The Bob Parsons Veterans Center stands as a testament to the University of Baltimore’s dedication to military and veteran students. It provides a suite of services and a supportive atmosphere to help veterans transition to and thrive in academic life. Read more about the programs and services provided here.

Each resource offers a unique perspective on the experiences and challenges faced by members of our community, reflecting our commitment to understanding and supporting diversity in all its forms.