Canvas Corner

The Home Stretch

As we reach the final leg of our journey to Canvas, your input is more crucial than ever. A comprehensive satisfaction survey will be reaching your inbox, designed to gauge your confidence with various Canvas features, from dashboard navigation to module design, and your satisfaction with the support provided by CELTT and our Canvas Faculty Fellows.

Your responses will guide us in tailoring our support and training to better meet your needs in Canvas. Whether it’s enhancing user-confidence in specific Canvas features or improving our support strategies, every piece of feedback counts.

Remember, the opportunity to export your materials from Sakai ends on January 31, 2024. Don’t miss out on preserving your valuable course content. Detailed guides for this process are listed below:

As always, should you need assistance or have any questions during this transition, don’t hesitate to reach out to CELTTWe’re committed to making this transition as smooth and beneficial as possible. Your insights are invaluable in shaping an optimal online teaching environment at UBalt.