Teaching & LearningTeaching Corner

Elevating Our Teaching Game – Now and Looking Ahead

We’re in the home stretch of the semester, and it’s that crucial time when we not only focus on finishing strong but also start getting our ducks in a row for the fall. Let’s start at the top of the inning with some articles that can help us cover all our bases before the end of the semester:

  • The First 15 Seconds: How to Hook Your Online Students and Keep Them Engaged
    Have you ever thought about the power of the first 15 seconds in your online course? Faculty Focus did, and they’ve hit a home run with their insights. Imagine grabbing your students’ attention straight away and keeping it. Personalized welcomes, thought-provoking questions, and eye-catching visuals can make your students think, “This is the place to be!” from the get-go. It’s all about getting them to lean in, ready to hit the next pitch out of the park from the very first moment.
  • Thinkering, Making, Sharing, and Reflecting: A Model for Online Collaborative Project-Based Learning
    Educause steps up to bat with the concept of ‘Thinkering,’ a winning combination of thinking and tinkering that’s a game-changer for online collaborative project-based learning. Picture your students deeply engaged, working together even from afar, and truly owning the material. By integrating making, sharing, and reflecting into our courses, we create a vibrant online classroom culture that mirrors the collaborative, hands-on learning we cherish in physical spaces. Let’s bring teamwork into the digital age and watching our students thrive.

Now let’s shift to the bottom of the inning with some ideas for the upcoming fall semester:

  • Digital Media Literacy Becoming a Graduation Requirement
    Inside Higher Ed highlights a growing trend that’s like preparing our students for the major leagues of the digital world. By making digital literacy a staple of our courses, we’re not just teaching students; we’re preparing thinkers, doers, and digital navigators ready to play on any field. It’s an investment in their future—and ours.
  • Exploring the Nexus of Educational Technologies: A Futuristic Perspective 
    And then, there’s the big picture—getting a glimpse of what’s on the horizon for educational technology, thanks to insights from Campus Technology. From AI personalization to immersive virtual realities, the future is buzzing with potential game-changers for how we teach and learn. Staying informed and open to integrating new technologies can set us and our students up for success in ways we’re just beginning to imagine. It’s about keeping one eye on the ball, ready to catch whatever comes our way.

As we round the bases on this semester and gear up for the next, let’s lean into these strategies and insights. It’s about making the now more engaging, the future more promising, and our teaching more impactful. Together, we can swing for the fences with the energy of a team ready to win the World Series.

(How bout dem Os?)