Focus Story

A Heartfelt Thank You

Transitioning from a K-12 environment to higher education presented its challenges, but the warm welcome and shared expertise from our distinguished faculty have been nothing short of inspiring. This post is a tribute to the incredible professors across our schools who have generously opened their doors and minds, helping me understand the intricacies of university-level teaching and profoundly shaping my role here at UBalt.

Engaging with the College of Arts and Sciences at UBalt has provided me with enlightening encounters where faculty expertly fuse creativity with effective teaching methods. From integrating local art museums and escape rooms into the classroom to witnessing the transformative impact of student-faculty interactions on our ‘Bee Real’ podcast, my interactions have been incredibly diverse. I’ve explored Open Educational Resources, examined the use of generative AI in poetry, and participated in design thinking workshops that mirror the innovative strategies imparted to students. Each faculty member’s unique approach has shown how traditional education boundaries can be expanded in thrilling ways, merging creativity with practical learning to forge a dynamic educational environment.

My experiences with the College of Public Affairs began with an insightful neighborhood tour that revealed the vibrant communities we serve, setting the stage for meaningful engagement. The deep commitment of a professor to mental health and social justice is evident in her empathetic instructional design, profoundly impacting student learning and interaction. In CELTT sessions, another faculty member introduced me to the innovative use of generative AI in forensic science, broadening my perspective on technology’s role in academia. Additionally, recent discussions about enhancing engagement in hybrid learning environments have been particularly transformative. An interview for our Community Spotlight highlighted significant urban development initiatives, underscoring the profound impact our faculty have on Baltimore and beyond. These professors have truly deepened my appreciation for our city and our commitment to public service.

At the School of Law, my interactions have unveiled a fascinating blend of tradition and innovation. One of my first meetings was with a Professor of the Practice who transitioned from linguistics to law, exemplifying the interdisciplinary spirit that enhances legal education. I’ve collaborated with faculty eager to integrate generative AI into their teaching, including one professor who is developing an AI tool to improve students’ legal writing and another creating simulations for practicing client interviews—both designed to refine essential lawyering skills. Moreover, engaging with a professor who questions traditional pedagogical strategies has opened my eyes to the nuanced impacts of stress on student learning. These encounters collectively underscore the dynamic evolution of legal education at UBalt, continually pushing boundaries to better prepare students for the complexities of the legal landscape.

The Merrick School of Business at UBalt stands at the forefront of integrating generative AI into academia, preparing to launch a new major focused on this technology next fall. The palpable enthusiasm for AI’s potential is evident as faculty from various roles—from adjuncts to assistant professors—collaborate with CELTT to design learning experiences that demonstrate AI’s versatility in education. One professor has been particularly instrumental in championing the use of AI tools across disciplines, highlighting their broad applicability. Additionally, the advocacy for CELTT’s upcoming Teaching Excellence Framework by a faculty member emphasizes a commitment to high educational standards. Another professor epitomizes this excellence, designing clear, accessible lessons and offering extra support to her students. These efforts collectively showcase MSB’s commitment to fostering a cutting-edge, supportive educational environment, preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the modern business world.

As I close my first year at UBalt, I extend a heartfelt thank you to each faculty member who has guided, inspired, and welcomed me into this vibrant academic community. Your commitment to excellence and innovation in education not only enhances our students’ learning experiences but also motivates me daily to be the best support I can be. Looking ahead, I am excited to continue our collaboration, fostering an environment where our students can thrive and succeed. Thank you, UBalt faculty, for a truly transformative year and for the invaluable lessons that will shape my journey forward.

– Julia Goffredi