Call for ParticipantsCommunity

New Platforms, New Conversations

Our team at CELTT is always looking for new ways to connect with our community, share innovative ideas, and enhance teaching and learning through technology. That’s why we’re excited to announce that we’ll soon be expanding our presence across social media!

In addition to our existing platforms, CELTT will be active on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. These new channels will allow us to reach a wider audience and provide more ways for you to engage with us. We’re also thrilled to launch our Bee Real podcast later this September. This new series will feature candid conversations with UBalt faculty and students about their experiences, challenges, and successes. Stay tuned for inspiring stories and insights directly from our community. 

We’d love to hear your ideas and feedback as we expand our content. If you have suggestions for topics or want to share your own experiences through our podcast, please reach out through our ticketing system here.

Stay tuned for more updates on our official launch dates, and in the meantime, we welcome your input and ideas!