My Vision: One Love

By: Amber Khan, Class 6


My name is Amber Khan, I’m a super antsy person who loves people and cats. I’m also a business student at UB, specializing in entrepreneurship.

I was recommended  by my friend to join leadershape as she explained it to be a life-changing experience, I didn’t actually understand until it was the last day of this 6-day retreat, and I was bawling tears into the shoulders of my family cluster members(Shout out to BAWS NERDS!), and fellow leadershapers. They were all apart of the intense and eye opening week.

Fellow leadershapers worked on mentorship programs, abandoned houses in baltimore, food desserts, environmental issues, all such passionate members all wanting to create a better community for something bigger than themselves.

As I got to focusing on my vision I realized that everything I wanted to do could be achieved in what I already had access to. My skill: video-making. I’ve been doing it since I was thirteen years old, practicing on clips that I would record, helping and following my older brother around while being behind camera. Later, I started getting in front of the camera and making fun videos in my free time.

Eventually I decided to create Youtube videos where I would post about random topics without a schedule, just getting them done when I could.

Upon realizing that my focus for leadershape would be talking about community issues, shedding light on areas where ignorance may linger, and genuinely answering questions that people may have, I decided to combine this into my video-making.

Luckily when I realized that this is what I would wanna do, I went ahead and made my first vision video that happened to during the time of Ramadan, so I ended up making a video answering questions that I had gotten about many of misconceptions about Ramadan and Fasting during this month, so I made my “What Is Ramadan?” video linked below.

Soon after I realized that there was a politician leading a group of people in the country with a twisted agenda, I had to address this.
My video called “I’M AMERICAN” is made addressing some of the thoughts and comments I found to be faulty. The link is below.

My third video in the leadershape series is my newest. This addressed the issue of me being bullied my whole life, and luckily I’m friends with one of the people that happened to bully me throughout my 7-12 grade years in school. I felt like it was more beneficial to have both perspectives from not only the person who got bullied but the person bullying as well. Not just to hear what one was going through but to see two sides of the story. This is also linked below.


Overall, I’m glad that my vision of slowly breaking down barriers and seeing issues topics from a different light started coming to life. I’m excited to continue this series for as long as I can, and ultimately incorporate this vision of mine in whatever else I accomplish in the video making world.
