Real Estate Special Topic Course “Imagining UBalt’s Campus Post Covid-19”
In some ways the world has not stopped for the worldwide pandemic. Just in our own neighborhood, a neighborhood where The University of Baltimore is a prominent anchor institution, the surrounding area has continued to move forward with redevelopment plans, most notably around Penn Station.
In the face of uncertainty, it seems that it is important now more than event to take a holistic view of the real estate and economic development actions that will impact our campus.
In a summer 2021, a special topics course will be offered, “Imagining UBalt’s Campus Post-Covid19.” Drs. Seema Iyer and Richard Clinch will examine the financial, economic, and environmental plans for Penn Station and Midtown development, UBalt’s role in this redevelopment, and how these plans fit in with reimagining UBalt’s campus. They will bring in special guests to share their knowledge on the project too.
Summer course registration began on March 1 with classes beginning on June 7.
COURSE: REED 497, “Imagining UBalt’s Campus, Post Covid-19”
This course is cross listed with PPIA 497, FIN 497, ENV 310
DAYS: Mon/Wed, 8-weeks from June 7- July 28
TIME /FORMAT: 6-8 p.m., Synchronous online (via Zoom)
INSTRUCTORS: Richard Clinch and Seema Iyer
CONTACT: Seema Iyer, for more information.