Call for ParticipantsTeaching & Learning

Call for Nominations: CELTT Excellence in Transformative Teaching Award

The CELTT Excellence in Transformative Teaching Award recognizes outstanding teaching and innovation within the UBalt classroom and community. UBalt is a place where leaders advance, thrive, and apply their skills to local and global challenges; faculty are central to this mission. Recipients of the CELTT Excellence in Transformative Teaching Award will have demonstrated a notable record of success in educating and transforming undergraduate and/or graduate students in any discipline at UBalt.  

The Excellence in Transformative Teaching Award will be awarded to a faculty member who has transformed the classroom’s learning experience. This might include a new, immersive experience; the use of high impact practices; the integration of an emerging learning technology; a curricular revision; an inventive tradition; an exemplary project; or any teaching practice, project, or process that transforms the students or learning experience.  

This teaching transformation between faculty and student can happen in any classroom regardless of rank! Therefore, it is important that all faculty positions can be recognized for the wonderful work they do as part of the UBalt campus and community. We encourage Adjuncts, Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, Professors of Practice, Visiting Professors, Tenure-Track, and Tenure Professors to apply!  

What is the Award? 

  • Award of $2000 
  • Plaque and letter of acknowledgement 
  • Recognition during a Fall 2024 Teaching & Learning event. 

The call for nominations will open September 6, 2024 and close September 20, 2024. Nominations can be submitted by anyone, including faculty members themselves, by completing the nomination form. For more information, view this document.