Character Matters

By Anthony “Bubba” Green My name is Anthony Green and I am a mentor – I teach character-building classes for the University of Baltimore School of Law Center for Families, Children and the Courts (CFCC) Truancy Court Program (TCP). Dr. Andres Alonso, Superintendent of Baltimore City Schools, was recently quoted in the Baltimore Sun, emphasizing…

Youth are Different

One of the Center for Families, Children and the Courts’ (CFCC) fundamental premises is that the law must consider the realities of human development when acting upon people’s lives. Children are especially vulnerable to harm, and they also differ from adults in their capacities, understanding, and judgment. Once again, the Supreme Court has recognized this…

Keeping the Discussion Going after CFCC’s Urban Child Symposium on Health and the Urban Child

CFCC’s second Urban Child Symposium, Health and the Urban Child:  Diagnosing Problems and Prescribing Solutions, was held last Thursday, April 1, and drew a crowd of approximately two hundred people. A wide array of people from all professions and walks of life, including doctors, lawyers, judges, activists, academics, mental health professionals, services providers, parents, and other…