Using Preventive Law to Help Avoid Truancy

By Alexandra Hilton, CFCC Student Fellow (2016-2017) Truancy in Baltimore City is a major and pervasive problem. Youth are “truant” when they miss school for unexcused reasons, such as inclement weather, family holidays, and babysitting family members, among others. Many believe that the most effective approach to chronic unexcused absence is to punish or coerce…

CFCC welcomes ten new Student Fellows for the Fall 2016 Semester 

CFCC is excited to begin the new semester with ten second- and third-year law students enrolled in the CFCC Student Fellows Program.  This experiential course provides students with an in-depth examination of the policies and theories surrounding family justice system reform and cutting edge issues in family law, including unified family courts, therapeutic jurisprudence, preventive…

Urban Child keynote speaker: We are all our brother’s keepers

By Hope Keller, Director of Communications The University of Baltimore’s Sayra and Neil Meyerhoff Center for Families, Children and the Courts held its Eighth Annual Urban Child conference, “Education and the Urban Child,” on April 7, 2016. Keynote speaker James Cole Jr., general counsel of the U.S. Department of Education, discussed the importance of taking…

Black Law Student Association Members Help Increase Center for Families, Children and the Courts School Uniform Drive by 500%

The spirit of giving in support of families participating in the Center for Families, Children and the Courts (CFCC) Truancy Court Program is always alive and well, but this holiday season, two enterprising members of University of Baltimore’s Black Law Student Association (BLSA) raised that spirit to a new level. Sheena Williams inspired her friend…

School-to-Prison Pipeline Reform

By James Torrence, CFCC Student Fellow (2015-2016) As America moves toward criminal justice reform, we must consider preventive measures to ensure that vulnerable children and teenagers do not enter the criminal justice system. Many have called on policymakers and school administrators to reform school disciplinary practices, such as zero-tolerance policies, in the face of research…

Punitive vs. Holistic: How to Address Truancy

By Danielle Wiggins, CFCC Student Fellow 2015-2016 Truancy is a major issue here in Baltimore City public schools. Research shows that the students most likely to be chronically truant come from low-income families.[1]  During my time as a Student Fellow in the Sayra and Neil Meyerhoff Center for Families, Children and the Courts (“CFCC”) Program,…

Engaging Parents: Growing and Sustaining Parent Engagement

By Janee Thames, CFCC Student Fellow (2015-2016) Overview This semester I had the opportunity to plan and facilitate the Parent Workshops on Financial Literacy at Reginald F. Lewis High School of Business and Law, which participates in CFCC’s Truancy Court Program (TCP). The workshops are supported by a grant from the State Farm Insurance Good…

What is the Truancy Court anyway?

By Juliette Spencer, CFCC Student Fellow 2015-2016 As a Student Fellow at the Sayra and Neil Meyerhoff Center for Families, Children and the Courts (“CFCC”), I have had the privilege of conducting research to assist the parents and students involved with CFCC’s Truancy Court Program (TCP), people who are directly affected by the public school…