Urban Affection: Perspectives on Why Baltimore Shines


It should come as no surprise to members of The University of Baltimore community that Baltimore made this year’s New York Times list of “52 Places to Go.” One of UBalt’s biggest assets is, well, Baltimore. Its urban setting puts the University right in the middle of the action, distinguishing itself from other similarly sized schools, with bold architecture, historical sites, culinary treats and more, so nearby they feel like natural extensions of the campus. And if you have transportation—be it bicycle, bus or car—even more is available for students, staff, faculty and alumni to experience. To gain insight into what makes Charm City shine, we asked four UBalt insiders to share their “places to go” in the city they love.

Photos By Nicole Munchel
Cindy Schuster, B.S. ’87, M.A. ’89 at Green Mount Cemetary

Cindy Schuster, B.S. ’87, M.A. ’89
Director, Shared Services,
The University of Baltimore

By her own admission, Cindy Schuster’s time at the University started “long ago” as an undergraduate in the Merrick School of Business, but her time in Baltimore began at birth. She’s a Lauraville native and went to Western High School, facts she still points out with pride. “A lot of people are surprised at our neighborhood focus,” she remarks. “You don’t just say you’re from Baltimore city. Neighborhoods are very important.”


2024 Book List

Sarah Berger, M.F.A ’23
The Magic Tampon Machine

Marietta Brandt, M.F.A. ’23
Don’t Mention It

Charnice Hale, B.A. ‘15
The Basics of Photography: Getting Started

Amy Carpenter, M.F.A. ʼ23
Snake in the Wheat

Joshua Cole, M.F.A. ʼ23
Curveball (The Alabama Son They Never Saw Coming)

Felicity Fox, M.F.A. ʼ23
all in our heads

Stephen Holloway, M.F.A. ʼ23
Tin Ear: Poems

Bomani Ivy, M.F.A. ʼ23
The Wesley (A Baltimore Odyssey)

David Lingelbach, faculty
The Oligarchs’ Grip: Fusing Wealth and Power (with Valentina Rodriguez Guerra)
Read more in the 2022 issue.

Rachel McGowan, M.F.A. ʼ23
Feed the Rat

Luke Newman, B.A. ʼ20, M.F.A. ʼ23
The Last Cowboy
Read Luke’s UBalt story in this year’s issue.

(Belinda) Rae Sacco, M.F.A. ’23
Singing to the Dark

Dina Sokal, M.F.A. ʼ23
After the Rain

Bi’Ja Thatch, M.F.A. ’23
Lifesavers (Parents, Friends, and the other heroes of my chronic illness)

Kristy Towson, B.A. ‘21
Speak Up Against Stigma: Her Mental Health Journey

Save The Dates

Celebrate Ubalt’s Past, Present and Future!

Launch Party

THURSDAY, JAN. 23, 2025

A community conversation exploring the University’s past and present, and its role in shaping the future. Includes reception.

Free registration opens Jan. 2, 2025.

Rock The Block


It’s UBalt’s annual Rock the Block Party—Centennial-style! This family-friendly festival features live music, games, food and drinks, and more.

Free and open to the community.

Grand Celebration

THURSDAY, NOV. 13, 2025

This spectacular finale of the Centennial year celebrates 100 years of excellence with an innovative, interactive event that showcases UBalt’s future.

Tickets on sale summer 2025.