CFCC’s Truancy Court Program Adjusts to Virtual Delivery of Program and Services

COVID-19 and the subsequent transition to distance learning across Baltimore City has created one of the most extreme and pervasive barriers to school attendance ever confronted by CFCC’s Truancy Court Program (TCP) Team. Without the ability to meet in person with students and families, the team has pivoted to virtual assistance and support. In recognition of the…

CFCC to Celebrate Truancy Court Program’s 15 Years of Service

In 2020, the Sayra and Neil Meyerhoff Center for Families, Children and the Courts (CFCC) celebrates two important milestones: the 20th anniversary of the founding of CFCC and the 15th anniversary of the Center’s largest community-based program, the Truancy Court Program. If you would like to follow this year-long celebration of CFCC’s impact and receive updates on…


By Christelle-grace Lowe, CFCC Student Fellow (2016-2017) Zero tolerance policy is a disciplinary approach that allows school authorities to expel students from school without a thorough analysis of the reasons for the behavior that led to the expulsion. For example, under some zero tolerance policies, students found with weapons, alcohol, or drugs are automatically suspended…

Urban Child keynote speaker: We are all our brother’s keepers

By Hope Keller, Director of Communications The University of Baltimore’s Sayra and Neil Meyerhoff Center for Families, Children and the Courts held its Eighth Annual Urban Child conference, “Education and the Urban Child,” on April 7, 2016. Keynote speaker James Cole Jr., general counsel of the U.S. Department of Education, discussed the importance of taking…