2024 “listen you noodlers (not for catfish)”

Parked Wind Turbine, Conley

“listen you noodlers (not for catfish)”


listen you noodlers

the poem is the message

someone said it better than me

it didn’t work if you don’t get it

you do the thinking or go read 

some more cummings or sandburg

we leave the bones on the shore

they could be the leftovers 

of ships or the fish

there’s fish to catch and

you can just catch one in 

your hands and you keep asking for a

turn or lesson and i painted 

you the picture and i gave you

my words and the pieces and

the puzzle were left on the table 

and the fish is in the water

and it’s for you to

think or remember and that’s my magic

sometimes the only magic that works

isn’t in my hands it’s in yours



Mike Sluchinski writes for all the broken and boarded up people out there, the chipped mirrors, the ruffled feathers, and the less than fifths of anything worth drinking. He’s currently co-writing a chapbook with his Thai Astrologer about prayer and fasting, except for fasting. Dancer, aspiring mathlete, and part time Shyriiwook translator—currently seeking full time work! Gratefully acknowledges the Cheryl and Henry Kloppenburg Foundation and the Freefall Lit. Society for their tangible support of writers! Very gratefully published by Poemeleon, The Ekphrastic Review, MMPP (Meow Meow Pow Pow), Kelp Journal, ‘the fib review’, Eternal Haunted Summer, Syncopation Lit. Journal, South Florida Poetry Journal (SOFLOPOJO), Freefall!