Motion Capture
I expected an awakening
the time she asked me
to film her with her lover:
mouths aligned, hands precise,
legs reverberating drum skins.
I anticipated rising, enigmatic fire
that burns with purpose;
found desire
for precision of frame & angle,
focus, lighting, zoom.
Not that I’d win an award
for cinematography,
or than anyone outside the three of us
would see—
from the moment I pressed the red button,
my vision focused only on the lens.

Ace Boggess is author of six books of poetry, most recently Escape Envy. His writing has appeared in Indiana Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Notre Dame Review, Hanging Loose, and other journals. An ex-con, he lives in Charleston, West Virginia, where he writes, watches Criterion films, and tries to stay out of trouble. His forthcoming books include poetry collections, My Pandemic / Gratitude List from Mōtus Audāx Press and Tell Us How to Live from Fernwood Press, and his first short-story collection, Always One Mistake, from Running Wild Press.

Jainson Cedillo. My art reflects my queer experiences and my life as a Hispanic individual. Through bright colors and bold patterns, I share my journey, aiming to make each piece impactful and impossible to overlook. I believe it’s essential to showcase the value and diversity of all forms of art.