We have been thrashing for 59 years in a city that is as chaotic, creative, and charming as the words that grace our pages.
Welter is the University of Baltimore’s premier publication for creative works of fiction, poetry, memoir, essays, and visual art, gathered from writers and artists everywhere.

Where it all began.
Founded in 1965 by UBalt students and faculty, Welter has grown to national stature as a place where writers of prose, poetry, memoir and other non-fiction, as well as those who create visual art, can have their work published for an audience that numbers in the thousands. Every aspect of the journal is overseen by students; it’s a deep dive into what it takes to structure a publication and get it out to the world.
We pride ourselves on publishing high-quality fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and visual art from writers and artists around the world. We publish twice a year; our print journal publishes every spring and our online collection every fall.

As our name implies, we are always looking for work that is provocative, exciting, relevant and full of heat. We accept work from seasoned and emerging writers. If you’re a writer, we welcome your submissions during our opening period. If you’re a reader, we hope the messages and art within Welter serve not only as a beautiful distraction and source of peace during turbulent times, but also as a source of inspiration and empowerment. Read about us in Poets & Writers and view our listing on Chill Subs.