Balancing-Education, Career, and Family.

Interviewer: Kandice Smith

Interviewee: Loren Nelson

If you think continuing your education is not doable because you are a single parent let me introduce you to Loren Nelson. A University of Baltimore   graduate with a B.A, founder of The Glow Forward Foundation has a lot of experience with working full time, attending grad school, and a single mother since she has graduated High School as a young new mom. Loren; has asked the question we all have asked, “how do you do it?”

Working, juggling the high and lows of life, and attending school?

During her graduation ceremony at the Community College of Baltimore County. Loren, clapped for her fellow students who stood for their achievements. In her mind, Loren stated, she was next on the stage for achievements in her educational journey, but was just unsure of her path.

In order to set the foundation to grow, Loren understood she needed to open up about her experiences balancing three major high points in life: working-full time, attending school, and raising her beautiful baby boy. Asking herself, “how can I help if I have never been through it?” 

Being open to her life experiences Loren has changed the game to help the working single parents continue their education. For instance, The Glow Forward Pathways At UBalt is Loren’s second event, but the biggest. She provided a network of resources to help guide the direction on where to start. Providing all those who attended with resume writing, professional headshots, business attire and more! The foundation has helped open doors to so many single parents for counting their education.

In 2020, everything was virtual, I would have loved to have this event during this time, or even a presentation to help guide me to the right resources as a single mom counting my education. 

Loren and I both agreed, the classes and schedules at The University of Baltimore work so much easier for the mindset of, I can do this, versus, how am I going to do this?

The same fearful questions will arise in your head. Will I have a sitter to attend evening classes? Will I still be able to meet with the professor because of my work schedule? Well, you will not know unless you try. In my opinion, trying is another form of failure and trying is hard, choose your hard. 

Your past helps the present-future, Loren would have to remind herself she is no longer the person she once was, but grew for the better and it’s okay to express yourself.

Loren’s resources have created a safe haven for single parents to say, “I need help, I do not know where to start?” 

Loren loves to network and use resources to help set the foundation for others in their lives. Passionate about the testimonies of everyone and the feedback given for the event, Loren walked with God in her purpose to show not only her son, but the world that the start line was different but I am here to complete the race.

To hear, “well done”, is only an understatement; to see parents finish their education or ready for an interview is a dream come true. 

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