As climate change threatens, lawyers drive policy on global migration

Digital Justice
Big data holds both promise and problems for the practice of law

A Passion for Litigation – and for People
Steve Silverman, J.D. ’91, builds a firm – and a reputation – by following his instincts
- Steve Grossman: Exceptional Faculty Member Leaves Legacy of Mentorship
- Barbara Babb: Retired Founder of CFCC Has Changed Practice of Family Law
- Kenneth Lasson: Author, Teacher, Civil Libertarian Retires
- Don Stone: Law School’s Iron Man with a Heart of Gold Retires
- 2021 Alumni Award Recipients Honored in Virtual Celebration
- Alumnus and Military Judge Advocate Trained Troops Protecting the U.S. Capitol on Use of Force Rules
- Christopher Adams Sees Making Partner as a ‘Step in the Journey’
- Col. Rose Forrest Recognized as a Leader in Maryland Legal Community
- For Portia White, the Fight Against Tobacco Is an Equity Issue
- Political Wrangling Is All in a Day’s Work for Caylin Young
- Supreme Court Scholar Lyle Denniston Donates Materials to Library
Baltimore Briefs
- 13 Students Earn Summer Public Interest Fellowships
- 27th Annual Awards Ceremony
- Baltimore Law Welcomes New Faculty Members
- Commencement for 2020 and 2021 Grads Held at Towson University
- Ernesto Villaseñor to Serve as Diversity and Inclusion Delegate to ABA Law Student Council
- Law School Partners with State to Investigate Updates to Maryland Laws to Allow Autonomous Vehicles
- New Staff Join Law School Over Past Year
- Noted British Historian Quentin Skinner to Present Stead Lecture Oct. 8 as Part of CICL Republicanism Conference
- Privacy was Focus of 12th Feminist Legal Theory Conference
- Prof. Dionne Koller Named Co-Chair of U.S. Olympics and Paralympics Commission
- Starger Begins Three-Year Term as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
- Student Sabrina Marquez Receives One of Three Baker Donelson Diversity Scholarship Awards