Category Archives: MATH 113

Mathematical Ideas: Basic Concepts of Set Theory

Basic Concepts of Set Theory

Symbols and Terminology

set is a collection of objects of values that are in this case called elements or members. They can be described using words, lists, or set-builder notation.

  • Words: a set of odd numbers less than 6
  • Listing: {1,3,5}
  • Set-builder notation: {x|x is an odd counting number less than 6}

If a set has no elements, it’s called an empty or null set and its symbol is Ø. Make sure not to write this as {Ø}, because that is technically incorrect.

It is important to make sure that a set is well-defined, meaning that there’s no room for subjective interpretation about whether something belongs in a set or not. An example of a well-defined set is a set of all numbers between 1 and 10. We can say for sure that 5 belongs and 13 doesn’t. A set that is not well defined is a set of all numbers that are aesthetically pleasing. It’s not clear what would define aesthetically pleasing so we’re unsure about whether 5 or 13 would fit. Continue reading

Mathematical Ideas: Problem Solving Techniques

Problem Solving Techniques

Solving Problems by Inductive Reasoning

Before we can talk about how to use inductive reasoning, we need to define it and distinguish it from deductive reasoning.

Inductive reasoning is when one makes generalizations based on repeated observations of specific examples. For instance, if I have only ever had mean math teachers, I might draw the conclusion that all math teachers are mean. Because I witnessed multiple instances of mean math teachers and only mean math teachers, I’ve drawn this conclusion. That being said, one of the downfalls of inductive reasoning is that it only takes meeting one nice math teacher for my original conclusion to be proven false. This is called a counterexample. Since inductive reasoning can so easily be proven false with one counterexample, we don’t say that a conclusion drawn from inductive reasoning is the absolute truth unless we can also prove it using deductive reasoning. With inductive reasoning, we can never be sure that what is true in a specific case will be true in general, but it is a way of making an educated guess.

Deductive reasoning depends on a hypothesis that is considered to be true. In other words, if X = Y and Y = Z, then we can deduce that X = Z. An example of this might be that if we know for a fact that all dogs are good, and Lucky is a dog, then we can deduce that Lucky is good. Continue reading

Statistics: Variability

Basics of Variability

Variability is often a difficult topic for newcomers to statistics to grasp. Essentially it is the spread of the scores in a frequency distribution. If you have a bell curve which is pretty flat, you would say that it has high variability. If you have a bell curve which is pointy, you would say that it has low variability. Variability is really a quantitative measure of the differences between scores and describes the degree to which the score are spread out or clustered together. The purpose of measuring variability is to be able to describe the distribution and measure how well an individual score represents the distribution.

There are three main types of variability:

  • Range: The distance between the lowest and the highest score in a distribution. Can be described as one number or represented by writing out the lowest and highest number together (ex. values 4-10). Calculated by subtracting the highest score from the lowest score. If you’re working with continuous variables, it’s the upper real limit for Xmax minus the lower real limit for Xmin.
  • Standard deviation: The average distance between the scores in a data set and the mean. Here’s a video to help you conceptualize this. This value is also the square root of the variance.
  • Variance: Measures the average squared distance from the mean. This number is good for some calculations, but generally we want the standard deviation to determine how spread out a distribution is. Calculated with this equation:

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Statistics: Measures of Central Tendency

Central Tendency

Central tendency is a statistical measure; a single score to define the center of a distribution. It is also used to find the single score that is most typical or best represents the entire group. No single measure is always best for both purposes. There are three main types:

  • Mean: sum of all scores divided by the number of scores in the data, also referred to as the average.
  • Median: the midpoint of the scores in a distribution when they are listen in order from smallest to largest. It divides the scores into two groups of equal size. With an even number of scores, you compute the average of the two middle scores.
  • Mode: the most frequently occurring number(s) in a data set.

Here are a variety of videos to help you understand the concepts of these measures, finding the median using a histogram, and finding a missing value given the mean. Continue reading

Statistics: Frequency Distributions

Frequency Distributions

In statistics, a lot of tests are run using many different points of data and it’s important to understand how those data are spread out and what their individual values are in comparison with other data points. A frequency distribution is just that – an outline of what the data look like as a unit. A frequency table is one way to go about this. It’s an organized tabulation showing the number of individuals located in each category on the scale of measurement. When used in a table, you are given each score from highest to lowest (X) and next to it the number of times that score appears in the data (f). A table in which one is able to read the scores that appear in a data set and how often those particular scores appear in the data set. Here’s a link to a Khan Academy video we found to be helpful in explaining this concept.

Organizing Data into a Frequency Distribution

  1. Find the range
  2. Order the table from highest score to lowest score, not skipping scores that might not have shown up in the data set.
  3. In the next column, document how many times this score shows up in the data set

Organizing data into a group frequency table

  1. The grouped frequency table should have about 10 intervals. A good strategy is to come up with some widths according to Guideline 2 and divide the total range of numbers by that width to see if there are close to 10 intervals.
  2. The width of the interval should be a relatively simple number (like 2, 5, or 10)
  3. The bottom score in each class interval should be a multiple of the width (0-9, 10-19, 20-19, etc.)
  4. All intervals should be the same width.

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Introduction to Statistics Basics

Some Statistics Basics!

Whether this is your first statistics class or whether you’re just in need of a refresher, there are a few basic statistical principles which are necessary for one to understand before moving forward.

Understanding Populations and Samples

Populations are the groups of people that we are interested in studying. This can be the entirety of people with depression, an entire town, or dog-owners. Populations can vary in size but are typically very large. They are almost always impossible to study in their entirety. Therefore, we select samples from a population. Although they’re never as diverse as the population, they are generally representative. However, they provide limited information and introduce sampling error.

Samples are a subset of the population which as been selected by various means. A sample is representative when it accounts for the variability and diversity of the population. For example, a representative sample of “individuals who attend the University of Baltimore” would include a diversity of age groups, race, educational background, students from different programs, faculty from multiple departments, staff, etc., in their appropriate percentages in the population. A non-representative sample in that case would not account for the various differences that exist among the individuals in a population, or would over-represent/under-represent a specific group. The figure below illustrates a hypothetical population, two examples of non-representative samples, and one representative sample of that population. Continue reading