Tag Archives: repeated measures one-way ANOVA

Using SPSS: Comparing Means – Repeated Measures One-Way ANOVA

This post will be about finding a difference in means when it comes to repeated measures in research designs with a factor with more than 2 levels. Just like with the Repeated Measures t-test, we’ll be lining our levels up in columns. For this example, we’ll pretend that we’ve collected data on self-reported depression. Participants were asked to rate on a scale from 1-9 how severe they felt their depression is. They were then given medication to take which is known to reduce depressive symptoms. Participants were asked again after 6 months how high they rated their depression. They were asked one last time at the end of 12 months.

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Statistics: Choosing a Test

The following post is about breaking down the uses for different types of tests. More importantly, it’s designed to help you know what test to use based on the question being asked. This is not a comprehensive list of all the statistical tests out there, so if you feel that there is something missing which you would like to be included, please leave a comment below. All formulas for the tests presented here can be found in the Statistics Formula Glossary post. At the bottom is a decision tree which may be helpful in visualizing the purpose of this post. Continue reading

Statistics: Repeated Measures ANOVA

Repeated Measures One-way ANOVA

Just like when we talked about independent samples t-tests and repeated measures t-tests, ANOVAs can have the same distinction. Independent one-way ANOVAs use samples which are in no way related to each other; each sample is completely random, uses different individuals, and those individuals are not paired in any meaningful way. In a repeated measures one-way ANOVA, individuals can be in multiple treatment conditions, be paired with other individuals based on important characteristics, or simply matched based on a relationship to one another (twins, siblings, couples, etc.). What’s important to remember that in a repeated measures one-way ANOVA, we are still given the opportunity to work with multiple levels, not just two like with a t-test.


  • Individual differences among participants do not influence outcomes or influence them very little because everyone is either paired up on important participant characteristics or they are the same person in multiple conditions.
  • A smaller number of subjects needed to test all the treatments.
  • Ability to assess an effect over time.

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