(some) Videos Available Online from Langsdale

The Library is excited to present 2 new, innovative services to the UB community.

Streaming Videos
As part of a pilot project we are providing streaming video access to a selection of 50 academic-oriented documentary and educational films. These streaming videos can be used in your classroom or you can have your students view the videos from any PC on or off campus.
We invite you to visit our FAQ.

Watching DVDs on Reserve Over the Internet
Another project we are piloting allows students to watch DVDs that have been placed on Reserve for a class from the comfort of their own home. We have purchased something called a SlingBox which provides the ability for someone to watch a DVD (located in a DVD player in Langsdale) over the Internet. There are some limitations: the Slingbox is not a streaming service and will not allow multiple people to view it at the same time like the educational films mentioned above. However, it will allow people to watch a DVD without having to come into Langsdale, and we can even arrange viewings when Langsdale is closed.

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