Find It at UB through Google Scholar and Live Academic Search

Several popular search engines have created specialized search engines to help people find scholarly information on the internet. Two of these, Google Scholar and Microsoft’s Live Academic Search , have the added bonus of providng links to UB’s “Find It” menu. If you are using a computer on campus and find an article through either of these search engines, the results will include a “Find It @ UB” link. Clicking on this link will tell you if the article in question is available through Langsdale’s print or database collections. Many times the articles found by these search engines will only lead to abstracts or will require you to purchase an article to view the full text. What they won’t normally tell you is if the full text is already available to you through Langsdale. The “Find It @ UB” link is a quick and easy way to find out.

Google Scholar will allow you to get the same results at your home computer. You just need to choose “library preferences” and add the University of Baltimore to the “library links” section.

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