Did you know the RLB Library has subscriptions to online news sources? If you are a UBalt student, staff or faculty member, you can keep up to date with local, national or world news with three popular titles through the library:
- NYTimes.com, the online version of The New York Times newspaper, one of the nation’s most prominent daily newspapers.
- The Baltimore Banner, the online news source covering Baltimore metropolitan area sports, business, food, culture, politics, and more.
- Baltimore Business Journal, the digital version of the Baltimore Business Journal newspaper, featuring local business news of the Baltimore metropolitan region. Great resource for current news on healthcare, banking, real estate, technology, and food & lifestyle. Includes the Book of Lists.
You will need to set up free accounts using your UBalt email address. Go to the library’s A-Z database list under “N” for “New York Times Online,” and under “B” for “Baltimore Banner” and “Baltimore Business Journal” for instructions to register.