Hurricanes: In The Future

When news reporters first warned Marylanders about Hurricane Sandy, most look away. “We have dealt with hurricanes before,” was the general response.  It wasn’t until Governor O’Malley gave a press conference that prompted Marylanders to take immediate action and prepare for a brutal storm with an unpredictable path. The hurricane hit Maryland late Sunday, October 28, 2012. The heavy rain fall and vicious winds tore down power lines and flooded streets. However, Maryland got the weak end of the storm, whereas New York and New Jersey weren’t as lucky.

Sandy stimulated my interest in hurricanes and what survival tips were essential for dealing with future catastrophes. I logged onto Langsdale’s website and researched “Hurricane Sandy.” I needed information on how bad others were hit and I found exactly what I was looking for using the New York Times database.  I also used the Baltimore Sun database and researched “Top 10 Hurricane Survival Tips.” Going forth, when the news reporters report that we may be in a hurricane’s path, act quickly. I’ve compiled some basic tips of my own (based on Sandy’s impact):

1. Load up on gas. You never know what might happen – invest in gas cans.
2. Stock up on batteries. You want to stock up before your panicking neighbors buy out the whole battery section. It’s always good to be proactive rather too late.
3. Buy tons of water and dry foods. Generally, stores aren’t proactive. They order supply when they realize the supply will be needed. Buy water before the storm hits your region. You do not want to race the rest of your city to the grocery store.
4. Buy plenty of lighters/matches. You’ll need this in case the power goes out. Make sure it’s easily accessible.
5. Clean up your house. You do not want to fall over items while the power is off.
6. Box up stuff and move from likely flood areas. Place items in totes to avoid a larger clean up mess.
7. Make sure mobile devices are charged. Our society is reliant on technology. Charge your phones, laptops, ipads, ipods, and even game consoles. Game consoles can keep the children busy for a while.
8. DO NOT PANIC. Everything will be okay in the end; even if it isn’t okay… it still isn’t over. Make negative problems into positives. Use this time to bond with your family.
9. Check on your neighbors before the storm. Before the storm comes, make sure your neighbors are just as prepared as you. One voice makes a difference.

Use these tips to make sure your household is safe and prepared for a hurricane.

By Jasmine Gibson 

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