New psychology books – January 2009

We’ve received a number of new books in clinical, industrial/organizational and social psychology that the library purchased in December 2008/January 2009. It includes books on a wide variety of applied and research topics. We hope you’ll find them interesting and useful in your scholarly endeavors.

Before Freud: Hysteria and hypnosis in later nineteenth-century psychiatric cases

Furst, Lilian
RC438 .F87 2008

Before Prozac: The troubled history of mood disorders in psychiatry

Shorter, Edward
RC537 .S52 2009

Brief person-centred therapies

Tudor, Keith (Ed.)
RC480.55 .B73 2008

Clinical handbook of couple therapy (4th ed.)

Gurman, Alan S. (Ed.)
RC488.5 .C584 2008

Counselling and psychotherapy with older people: A psychodynamic approach

Terry, Paul M.
RC480.54 .T47 2008

Creative therapies and eating disorders

Brooke, Stephanie L. (Ed.)
RC552.E18 C73 2008

Cutting and the pedagogy of self-disclosure

Berman, Jeffrey & Wallace, Patricia Hatch
RC569.5.S48 B47 2007

Developmental theories through the life cycle (2nd. ed.)

Austrian, Sonia G. (Ed.)
BF713 .D469 2008

Drug abuse: Concepts, prevention, and cessation

Sussman, Steve & Ames, Susan L.
RC564 .S8384 2008

Dying, bereavement and the healing arts

Bolton, Gillie (Ed.)
BF575 .G7 D95 2008

Dynamics of performance management: Constructing information and reform

Moynihan, Donald P.
HF5549 .M69 2008

Emotional intelligence: Perspectives from educational and positive psychology
Cassady, Jerrell (Ed.)
BF576 .E468 2008

Handbook of contemporary psychotherapy: Toward an improved understanding of effective psychotherapy
O’Donohue, William & Graybar, Steven R. (Eds.)
RC480 .H283 2009

Handbook of depression (2nd ed.)

Gotlib, Ian H. & Hammen, Constance L. (Eds.)
RC537 .H3376 2009

Human reasoning and cognitive science

Stenning, Keith & van Lambalgen, Michiel
BF311 .S67773 2008

Humanity against itself: The retreat from reason

Kovitz, Benjamin
BF38 .K685 2008

In the pursuit of winning: Problem gambling theory, research and treatment

Zangeneh, Masood, Blaszczynski, Alex, & Turner, Nigel E. (Eds.)
RC569.5.G35 I5 2008


Greene, Gayle
RC547 .G75 2008

Intellectual disability, trauma and psychotherapy

Cottis, Tamsin (Ed.)
RC 570.2 .I6623 2009

Intervention and resilience after mass trauma

Blumenfield, Michael & Ursano, Robert J. (Eds.)
RC552.P67 I66 2008

Introduction to art therapy: Faith in the product

Moon, Bruce L.
RC489.A7 M663 2008

Making a difference in patients’ lives: Emotional experience in the therapeutic setting

Buechler, Sandra
RC506 .B837 2008

Mental health in a multi-ethnic society: A multidisciplinary handbook (2nd. ed.)

Fernando, Suman & Keating, Frank (Eds.)
RC451.5.A2 M465 2009

Mentalization: Theoretical considerations, research findings, and clinical implications

Busch, Fredric N. (Ed.)
RC506 .M46 2008

Mindfulness and the therapeutic relationship

Hick, Steven F. & Bien, Thomas (Eds.)
RC489.M43 H53 2008

Naming the pain and guiding the care: the central tasks of diagnosis

Denton, Donald D.
BV4012 .D368 2008

Orienting of attention

Wright, Richard D. & Ward, Lawrence M.
BF321 .W75 2008

Past in the present: Therapy enactments and the return of trauma

Mann, David & Cunningham, Valerie
RC480.8 .P35 2009

Performance paradox: Understanding the real drivers that critically affect outcomes

Harbour, Jerry L.
HF5549.5.P37 H37 2009

Personality disorders and suicide: theory and research

Blasco-Fontecilla, Hilario, Baca-Garcia, Enrique & Saiz-Ruiz, Jeronimo (Eds.)
RC569 .P47 2007

Principles of multicultural counseling and therapy

Gielen, Uwe P., Draguns, Juris G. , & Fish, Jefferson M. (Eds.)
RC455.4.E8 P748 2008

Psychoanalysis: Its image and its public

Moscovici, Serge
RC506 .M6813 2008

Psychological responses to eating disorders and obesity: Recent and innovative work

Buckroyd, Julia & Rother, Sharon (Eds.)
RC552.E18 P79 2008

Reflections on human potential: Bridging the person-centered approach and positive psychology

Levitt, Brian E. (Ed.)
RC481 .R44 2008

Relational theory and the practice of psychotherapy

Wachtel, Paul L.
RC489.I55 W33 2008

Rescued lives: The Oxford House approach to substance abuse

Jason, Leonard A., Olson, Bradley D., & Foli, Karen
RC564.65 .J37 2008

Revolution in mind: The creation of psychoanalysis

Makari, George
BF175 .M26518 2008

Scenario visualization: An evolutionary account of creative problem solving

Arp, Robert
BF241 .A77 2008

Schizophrenia and the fate of the self

Lysaker, Paul H. & Lysaker, John T.
RC514 .L97 2008

Stalking: Psychiatric perspectives and practical approaches

Pinals, Debra A. (Ed.)
RC553.E76 S73 2007

Theaters of madness: Insane asylums and nineteenth-century American culture

Reiss, Benjamin
RC443 .R43 2008

Therapeutic communities for psychosis: Philosophy, history and clinical practice

Gale, John, Realpe, Alba & Pedriali, Enrico (Eds.)
RC512 .T49 2008

Unbroken soul: Tragedy, trauma, and human resilience

Parens, Henri, Blum, Harold P. & Akhtar, Salman (Eds.)
RC552.T7 U53 2008

Understanding boundaries and containment in clinical practice

Brown, Rebecca & Stobart, Karen
RC489.P72 B767 2008

Work motivation: Past, present and future

Kanfer, Ruth, Chen,Gilad & Pritchard, Robert D. (Eds.)
HF5549.5.M63 W675 2008

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