Finding Google Scholar @ UB

Do you use Google Scholar”? Google scholar is an interesting attempt by Google to allow people to search for “Scholarly Content” including books and peer reviewed journals. While not a replacemnent for the online databases available through your library, Google Scholar can be a useful addition to your search.

One of the main drawbacks of Google Scholar is that often it only gives you a citation or abstract, thus forcing you to find the full-text. Now a “Find It @ UB” link is available on Google Scholar to help you get the full-text of article which you may find there.

If you are on campus, “Find It @ UB” will appear automatically. If you are off-campus, you can still get the “Find It @ UB” links by clicking on Scholar Preferences and searching for “Baltimore” in the Library Links Box. If you check the “university of Baltimore” box, you will then see a “Find It @ UB” link with your Google Scholar Results.

How does it work?
When you do a search in Google Scholar, you will get list of results. If Google thinks Langsdale has the result in full text, there will be a link that sayd “Find It @ UB”. Without the “Find It @ UB” link in the example below, you could only get an abstract of the article.

If you click on the “Find It @ UB” link, you will get a menu similar to the one you would see if you clicked on the button in one of our databases.

Clicking on either of the top 2 “Go” buttons will give you the full text of the article, coutesy of Langsdale’s subscription. If you are on campus, this will happen automatically, but off-campus users will need to log into to the “find it” menu with their library barcode.

Posted by Michael to langsdale at 11/15/2005 01:53:00 PM

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