What is the Maryland SPDDP?

Need to find publications issued by Maryland government agencies? Check out the website for the Maryland State Publications Depository and Distribution Program (SPDDP). This program, managed by the State Library Resources Center at the Enoch Pratt Free Library, is required Continue reading What is the Maryland SPDDP?

How the government shutdown affects libraries

You may say, “What effect does the government shutdown have on libraries?  Langsdale is not a federal agency.” True enough, but much of our information comes from government agencies. Federal information centers and archives were displaying messages like this on Continue reading How the government shutdown affects libraries

Open Data Applications

Hi! I’m Pete Ramsey, one of the Reference and Instruction librarians at Langsdale Library, and I also teach the Information Literacy (IDIS 110) course in first-year student learning communities. In my course, I like to include a segment where students Continue reading Open Data Applications

Happy Constitution Day!

September 17 is Constitution Day. Find out more about this day and the document it celebrates by taking a look at our Constitution Day Guide: http://langsdale.ubalt.edu/howto/ConstitutionDay_guide.htm If you need help finding information on the Constitution, the Founding Fathers or any Continue reading Happy Constitution Day!

New Guide: Federal Stimulus Bill (2009)

On Tuesday, February 17, 2009, President Barack Obama signed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. This bill appropriates additional federal funds for job creation and preservation, aid for those most affected by the recession, infrastructure projects (transportation, environmental, Continue reading New Guide: Federal Stimulus Bill (2009)

New Gov Docs Titles: April 2008

Here are some of the new titles that you can find in the Langsdale Government Documents Collection: State of Maryland Documents (shelved in the general collection) State of Maryland Children’s Cabinet & Governor’s Office for Children. Maryland’s Results for Child Continue reading New Gov Docs Titles: April 2008