What is the Maryland SPDDP?

Need to find publications issued by Maryland government agencies? Check out the website for the Maryland State Publications Depository and Distribution Program (SPDDP). This program, managed by the State Library Resources Center at the Enoch Pratt Free Library, is required Continue reading What is the Maryland SPDDP?

The University of Baltimore Libraries to migrate from Ex Libris ALEPH system to Alma/Primo system over Spring 2024

This spring, The University of Baltimore Libraries, along with the 17 libraries across the University System of Maryland and Affiliated Institutions (USMAI) will be implementing a new integrated library system (ILS), Alma, that will go live on May 23, 2024. Continue reading The University of Baltimore Libraries to migrate from Ex Libris ALEPH system to Alma/Primo system over Spring 2024

From the Archives: Do You Know About “The Kinderman?”

We all have favorite childhood memories, stories, books, and television shows. If you were a child in Baltimore, Columbia, or the surrounding region during the late 1980s or 1990s, one of your favorite TV shows may have been “It’s Kindertime” Continue reading From the Archives: Do You Know About “The Kinderman?”

From the Archives: The Fred E. Weisgal Papers are Open for Research!

The Special Collections & Archives are happy to announce that the Fred E. Weisgal Papers are now open for research! Fred E. Weisgal (b. 1919 – d. 1991) was a prominent civil rights attorney in Baltimore during the twentieth-century. If Continue reading From the Archives: The Fred E. Weisgal Papers are Open for Research!

The Other Side of Summer

Dance Troupe, 1972. Robert Breck Chapman Collection. Via flickr When I decided last week to do a seasonal library display of items in Special Collections with a theme of “summertime leisure”, I couldn’t imagine a fluffier, less serious topic. I Continue reading The Other Side of Summer

Helen Delich Bentley: Farewell to a Firebrand

Former Congresswoman Helen Delich Bentley Langsdale Special Collections is crestfallen to hear of the passing of feisty former Maryland Congresswoman Helen Delich Bentley. Many remember Mrs. Bentley as a tireless advocate for the Port of Baltimore; a seasoned journalist– where Continue reading Helen Delich Bentley: Farewell to a Firebrand

Digital Maryland AV Conference

Digital Maryland is a collaborative, statewide digitization program located at the Baltimore Enoch Pratt Free Library/State Library Resource Center with the mission “to facilitate the digitization and digital exhibition of the historical and cultural documents, images, audio and video held Continue reading Digital Maryland AV Conference

Baltimore in Shades of Grey

A few days have passed since the closing night of the 16th annual Maryland Film Festival (MFF), and the overall consensus seems that it was a huge success–despite lacking The Charles as a venue. In its stead, there were several Continue reading Baltimore in Shades of Grey