Newest Additions to the Archives

Highlights from the Lidinsky Political Campaign Collection at Langsdale We are pleased to announce the addition of two new archival collections this fall: the Frank Lidinsky Political Campaign Collection and the Betty Garman Robinson Papers on community organizing. Both collections are Continue reading Newest Additions to the Archives

The White Lung Preservation Project– Wishes Granted (Almost!)

Our fundraising page– click here to donate Langsdale Library Special Collections is thrilled with the love shown to The White Lung Association Collection! Our link to the White Lung Preservation Project went live this week, and within two days, we Continue reading The White Lung Preservation Project– Wishes Granted (Almost!)

Special Collections and Integrated Digital Services: New Digs!

Much like the universe, Langsdale Library is expanding!  Two departments have relocated to the second floor of H. Mebane Turner Learning Commons: Special Collections and Integrated Digital Services. The Special Collections research room– where researchers can view archival materials (by Continue reading Special Collections and Integrated Digital Services: New Digs!

Helen Delich Bentley: Farewell to a Firebrand

Former Congresswoman Helen Delich Bentley Langsdale Special Collections is crestfallen to hear of the passing of feisty former Maryland Congresswoman Helen Delich Bentley. Many remember Mrs. Bentley as a tireless advocate for the Port of Baltimore; a seasoned journalist– where Continue reading Helen Delich Bentley: Farewell to a Firebrand

Welcoming the Fellows, Part 2: Stephanie Dolamore

Fellow Stephanie Dolamore getting an eyeful of Baltimore Stephanie Dolamore has a strategy for addressing residential challenges for traditionally under-served populations: first, by exploring the past, and assessing Baltimore’s issues in finding sustainable housing for people in need. Second, by Continue reading Welcoming the Fellows, Part 2: Stephanie Dolamore

This Thursday: Langsdale on the Radio!

Langsdale’s own Angela Rodgers-Koukoui will be a guest on Thursday’s (July 14th) edition of Humanities Connection on WYPR, 88.1 at 4:45 p.m.  Angela, an archival technician in Special Collections, will talk about her lifelong involvement with Baltimore’s Cultural Arts Program, Continue reading This Thursday: Langsdale on the Radio!

Welcoming the Fellows, Part 1: Caitlin Rathe

Caitlin sizes up the scene When Caitlin Rathe, a student at University of California Santa Barbara, jetted into chilly Baltimore from the sunny Left Coast last February, she wasn’t entirely sure she was going to find what she was searching Continue reading Welcoming the Fellows, Part 1: Caitlin Rathe

Cultural Arts Program Exhibit Opens 3/7

By Guest Blogger, Angela Rodgers-Koukoui I’m very pleased to announce the opening of the Cultural Arts Program photo exhibit next Monday, 2/15  3/7, from noon to 2 pm. The exhibit, which is a collaboration between Langsdale Library Special Collections and Continue reading Cultural Arts Program Exhibit Opens 3/7

Sneak Preview: Ten Hills Collection

A sneak peek at archival records in the Ten Hills Collection Langsdale Library Special Collections is pleased to announce a new addition to the archives, the Ten Hills Collection. Longtime neighborhood resident and Ten Hills history buff, Stephen Israel, worked Continue reading Sneak Preview: Ten Hills Collection

Summer Internship Report in Special Collections

The following post was written by Luke Moses, who worked this past summer full-time in the Langsdale Library Special Collections Department. Luke is currently a graduate student in NYU’s Moving Image Archiving and Preservation program. This summer at Langsdale was Continue reading Summer Internship Report in Special Collections