Tis The Season
Langsdale Library wants to know what will you be reading to bring in the Holiday Season?? I am pretty sure at Langsdale you could get some great ideas for books to purchase for gifts! Come see what we have.
What's happening at the library and items of interest to the UB community
Langsdale Library wants to know what will you be reading to bring in the Holiday Season?? I am pretty sure at Langsdale you could get some great ideas for books to purchase for gifts! Come see what we have.
So there are quite a few things going on at Langsdale. If you haven’t already, check out our Zombie display! Get festive for Halloween!! Dress up and come show us your costume @ Langsdale. Next month expect a new display Continue reading What’s Up Langsdale
Join us in celebrating faculty and staff authors on Thursday, Oct. 27, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., here at Langsdale. Light refreshments will be served.
Mark Bauerlein, author of the The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future, has edited a new collection of essays from the likes of Nicholas Carr, Marc Prensky, Jakob Nielsen, Clay Shirky and others, Continue reading New Collection of Essays on the Internet
Do you think $100 is too much to pay for a book? How about $2 at the Langsdale Book Sale? You can help support Langsdale Library by purchasing used books from us during our annual book sale. With a few Continue reading Langsdale Library’s Annual Book Sale: Nov. 2-3
Midterms are here and Finals are approaching! It’s crunch time @ UB, plenty of test, and papers are being tossed at us students, so that means plenty of research is needed to be done. Langsdale online provides research help @ http://langsdale.ubalt.edu/research-help/. Continue reading Research Research
Midterms are right around the corner and the Library is a great place to study. We have study rooms on the second and third floor, and the lower level is a great place for study groups as well. Also, Langsdale Continue reading Need a place to study for mid-terms?
Hello! I am not only a student at the University of Baltimore but I also will be working at Langsdale Library as a Student Liaison for the Fall. I am here to make sure that the UB student community knows Continue reading Greetings from Langsdale’s new student liaison Abdu Eaton
Shortly after 7 a.m. this morning, Single-Sign-On (SSO) went live for Langsdale Library (Law Library will go live at a later date). SSO enables students, staff and faculty to use their UB log in to sign on to databases and Continue reading Single Sign On
A recent article in The Chronicle of Higher Education discusses how Twitter can be effectively used in an online classroom to facilitate communication and increase feelings of connection between faculty and students in an online environment. The article also notes Continue reading Twitter in the classroom