Asking the Right Questions

November is National Career Development Month! UB’s Career and Professional Development Center has a variety of events focused on the theme of Creating Career Connections.

As you talk to industry professionals at a networking event or preparing for a job interview, you might be at a loss for what kinds of questions to ask. Langsdale Library subscribes to IBIS World database, which contains iExpert reports of various industries. Each report are lists of great questions to learn more about an industry.

Here’s a sample from the report on conference and event planning (2016):

To find questions for your profession, follow these steps:
First, search for an industry or profession in the IBIS World Database.

Second, after typing in your search terms (I searched for IT Consulting), you’ll see a list of reports in the result list.

Next, click on the report you want to view (I selected IT Consulting in the US).

At the top of the report, you’ll see a series of icons. The light bulb icon says “iExpert” underneath. Click the icon to view the iExpert report. Once it switches to the iExpert report, scroll to the bottom to see industry questions. Here’s one question from the iExport report on IT Consulting in the US:

Need help? Want to do more research on career fields and industries? Contact a reference librarian at

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