Be Informed with the Baltimore Business Journal!

Would you like to keep up with what’s happening in and around Baltimore? The RLB Library has an online subscription to the Baltimore Business Journal. This digital edition of the journal is a great resource for current news and interesting articles on healthcare, banking, real estate, technology, and food & lifestyle for the Baltimore metropolitan area. In addition, the subscription includes the Book of Lists, which is a valuable tool for company research. It lists the hottest area companies in their fields with useful industry data. You can also find career and employment information–with contact information for networking.

Here is a sample of recent stories:

To access Baltimore Business Journal, first create an account with your email.  After you create your account, you can access the journal at You can also access the journal from the library’s A-Z databases list under “b”. Or search “Baltimore Business Journal” in the library search box on the library’s homepage.

Questions? Contact Debbie Li at

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