In the most recent update of the Pew Research Center Internet Project, survey results indicate the percentage of American adults who own a tablet computer has grown from 3% to 35% in just three years. An almost equal percentage of men (34%) and women (36%) own those devices, and adults with higher levels of education (college and beyond) are much more likely to own a tablet computer than those with lesser levels of education.
Here at Langsdale, we’ve been loaning iPads since the beginning of the fall 2013 semester. It’s a bare bones approach: no apps have been pre-installed and the loan period is 14 days with renewals allowed. Preliminary survey results indicate our users are very satisfied with their experience using these borrowed tablet computers, though 50% of respondents prefer an initial loan period longer than 14 days. 83% of respondents do not want apps pre-installed.
Do you own a tablet computer? What has been your experience with the device? If you’d like to borrow an iPad or iPad mini, stop by the circulation desk at Langsdale. Then let us know about your experience.