Want to see Baltimore’s funniest home videos? Well, nobody’s voting, but you can take a peek at the past when Baltimore residents raid their attics for home movies and show them at UB. Home Movie Day is October 20 and will take place in the auditorium from 2 to 4 PM. For more info, check out http://www.homemovieday.com/baltimore.html
Check out the library BOOk sale on October 31 from Noon to 8pm. The dress code is casual, business, business casual or costume. We don’t discriminate. If you’re taking the bus anywhere for Halloween, you’ll need a book to read while you wait. Too busy sewing costumes or buying candy? Come back to the book sale from November 1 between 9 AM and 1 PM.
READ posters are making a comeback. Get your picture taken with your favorite library book. For more information and to set up an appointment contact Erin Toepfner at etoepfner@ubalt.edu
Or just come check out library books any time we’re open.