The Wizard and the Great Zeitgeist

“House of Knowledge” by Jaume Plensa  If the internet or blogs were old enough to have what one might call a tradition, we can be sure that it would be predominantly based in retelling what is new, what is breaking Continue reading The Wizard and the Great Zeitgeist

Discovering Our Hidden Resources

On the move: Arabbers on Baltimore streets (Sept-Oct 1969)  The Special Collections Department is often an overlooked resource at Langsdale Library. It doesn’t help that it is located on the fourth floor, housed behind locked doors and open by appointment Continue reading Discovering Our Hidden Resources

Upcoming exhibit mixes art, archives, & politics

Staff in Special Collections at Langsdale have been working with MICA students from Dan D’Oca’s 2010-11 Exhibition Development Seminar as they prepare their exhibit, Baltimore: Open City, which opens this Friday at the former North Avenue Market and runs through Continue reading Upcoming exhibit mixes art, archives, & politics

Consider the Salmon, and also the CRO

Among the items in President Obama’s State of the Union Address was a promise to reorganize the U.S. government. The President citied his “favorite example” of odd organization to laughter from members of Congress. “The Interior Department is in charge Continue reading Consider the Salmon, and also the CRO