A Time Travel Tour of Baltimore’s Public Markets

Richmond Market, formerly at the location of Howard and Read Streets Hung over from the hustle of last minute holiday shopping? Langsdale Special Collections has an antidote: traveling through time to visit stores–in this case, Baltimore’s public markets–and simultaneously not Continue reading A Time Travel Tour of Baltimore’s Public Markets

First Television Station in Baltimore

In 1956, 2” Quad became the first videotape format with commercial success. From that point until the late 1970s, this video format was used to record the vast majority of broadcast television. The playback equipment needed to view 2” Quad tape is Continue reading First Television Station in Baltimore

Online Sources: Baltimore and the Black Arts Movement

Cover art from a 1980 issue of Chicory magazine From 1966 until 1983, Enoch Pratt Free Library published Chicory, a literary magazine by Baltimore residents. According to historian Mary Rizzo, Chicory began as a federally funded Great Society program run Continue reading Online Sources: Baltimore and the Black Arts Movement

Newest Additions to the Archives

Highlights from the Lidinsky Political Campaign Collection at Langsdale We are pleased to announce the addition of two new archival collections this fall: the Frank Lidinsky Political Campaign Collection and the Betty Garman Robinson Papers on community organizing. Both collections are Continue reading Newest Additions to the Archives

Baltimore Poetry Library comes to Langsdale

In the Winter of 2015, the University of Baltimore’s Klein Family School of Design became the new home of the Baltimore Poetry Library, the largest independent collection of poetry in the Baltimore metropolitan area. In an effort to expedite campus-wide Continue reading Baltimore Poetry Library comes to Langsdale

Helen Delich Bentley: Farewell to a Firebrand

Former Congresswoman Helen Delich Bentley Langsdale Special Collections is crestfallen to hear of the passing of feisty former Maryland Congresswoman Helen Delich Bentley. Many remember Mrs. Bentley as a tireless advocate for the Port of Baltimore; a seasoned journalist– where Continue reading Helen Delich Bentley: Farewell to a Firebrand

Welcoming the Fellows, Part 2: Stephanie Dolamore

Fellow Stephanie Dolamore getting an eyeful of Baltimore Stephanie Dolamore has a strategy for addressing residential challenges for traditionally under-served populations: first, by exploring the past, and assessing Baltimore’s issues in finding sustainable housing for people in need. Second, by Continue reading Welcoming the Fellows, Part 2: Stephanie Dolamore

The Soul of Baltimore

As mentioned in a previous blog post, the WJZ-TV and WMAR-TV Collections at the Langsdale Library hold approximately three hundred 2-inch Quad reels that are in need of digitization to preserve their unique audiovisual content. One of these reels was digitized recently Continue reading The Soul of Baltimore