Baltimore in Shades of Grey

A few days have passed since the closing night of the 16th annual Maryland Film Festival (MFF), and the overall consensus seems that it was a huge success–despite lacking The Charles as a venue. In its stead, there were several Continue reading Baltimore in Shades of Grey

Partnering with the Internet Archive

The Langsdale Library would like to officially introduce its newest Internet Archive presence. As is stated in its mission, the non-profit Internet Archive “is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a Continue reading Partnering with the Internet Archive

Research the History of Your House: A Guide from Baltimore Heritage

Read about the history of the Poe statue Baltimore Heritage, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that works in a variety of ways to preserve and bring awareness to the many historic buildings and neighborhoods in Baltimore. They’ve built an excellent Continue reading Research the History of Your House: A Guide from Baltimore Heritage

Bmore Historic Unconference

Now’s your chance to register for this year’s Bmore Historic unconference, which will be held Friday, October 11th at the Maryland Historical Society. What is Bmore Historic? According to the event website, it’s “a participant-led unconference for scholars, students, professionals Continue reading Bmore Historic Unconference

Langsdale honors anniversary of 1963 March on Washington

Langsdale’s Special Collections department has been very busy with efforts to honor the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington, where Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his I Have a Dream speech. Digital Archivist Aiden Faust worked with Continue reading Langsdale honors anniversary of 1963 March on Washington

Open Data Applications

Hi! I’m Pete Ramsey, one of the Reference and Instruction librarians at Langsdale Library, and I also teach the Information Literacy (IDIS 110) course in first-year student learning communities. In my course, I like to include a segment where students Continue reading Open Data Applications