Langsdale Library now offers online access to Choice.

Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries provides reviews of materials of interest to those in higher education. Each year they publish over 7,000 reviews of books, electronic resources and Internet sites. These reviews are one tool used by many librarians Continue reading Langsdale Library now offers online access to Choice.

(some) Videos Available Online from Langsdale

The Library is excited to present 2 new, innovative services to the UB community. Streaming VideosAs part of a pilot project we are providing streaming video access to a selection of 50 academic-oriented documentary and educational films. These streaming videos Continue reading (some) Videos Available Online from Langsdale

New Gov Docs Titles: May

Here are some of the new print titles that you can find in the Langsdale Government Documents Collection: Women in Congress, 1917-2006 (Y 1.1/2:SERIAL 14903) Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 3: Environment, Origins and Population (SI 1.20/2:3) Public Papers Continue reading New Gov Docs Titles: May