Helping An Undergrad Illuminate Local LGBTQ+ History

Christine Wertz ’17 takes a page from history Many of the most crucial battles in the LGBT+ movement happened in the 1980s, and–as history major Christine Wertz discovered– a number of them happened right here in Baltimore.  Christine already had Continue reading Helping An Undergrad Illuminate Local LGBTQ+ History

Congratulations to Sam Singh and Anthony Bellamy, winners of Inspired Discoveries

Congratulations to Santokh (Sam) Singh and Anthony Bellamy, winners of the 2017 Inspired Discoveries awards! Sam’s presentation on Narcissistic Behaviors and Social Media Usage won this year’s research prize. Judges were greatly impressed with the research itself and his poise Continue reading Congratulations to Sam Singh and Anthony Bellamy, winners of Inspired Discoveries

UB Athletic History

Shortly after the founding of the school in 1925, athletic sports were established. Tennis and Fencing were two sports were among the first to be represented by athletic teams on campus. Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Lacrosse, Wrestling, Baseball, Golf were among Continue reading UB Athletic History

It’s National Poetry Month – Are You Celebrating?

Did you know that National Poetry Month is the largest literary celebration in the world? Or that the Academy of American Poets was inspired by the successful celebrations of Black History Month (February) and Women’s History Month (March), and the Continue reading It’s National Poetry Month – Are You Celebrating?