Join Us for #AskAnArchivist Day Oct. 3!

  October is American Archives Month and October 3, 2018 is #AskAnArchivist Day! Archivists nation-wide will be on Twitter answering your questions about archives and archivists! This is a one-day event, sponsored by the Society of American Archivists. Archivists have Continue reading Join Us for #AskAnArchivist Day Oct. 3!

From the Archives: The Fred E. Weisgal Papers are Open for Research!

The Special Collections & Archives are happy to announce that the Fred E. Weisgal Papers are now open for research! Fred E. Weisgal (b. 1919 – d. 1991) was a prominent civil rights attorney in Baltimore during the twentieth-century. If Continue reading From the Archives: The Fred E. Weisgal Papers are Open for Research!