Poe holds a special place on the UB Campus!
Did you know the Edgar Allen Poe statue in Gordon Plaza arrived at UB in 1983? According to this 1995 UBique student newspaper article, the statue was moved to it’s current location in Gordon Plaza on the 134th anniversary of Poe’s death from its previous location in Wyman Park where it had been installed in 1921. The silhouette of the statue was also once the logo for the University of Baltimore.

Today, the Edgar Allen Poe statue in Gordon Plaza is loved at UB for another reason — #BowOnPoe!
Every year during the #BowOnPoe event for #GivingTuesday, the UB community is invited to contribute to their selected unit at UB. #BowOnPoe is a great opportunity to support for UB! For every gift given to the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Public Affairs, Merrick School of Business, Robert L. Bogomolny Library, School of Law, or Student Success, a bow of that unit’s color is placed on the Poe Statue in Gordon Plaza. The more bows a unit has on the statue, the higher their chances of winning the Bowphy or the Giving Cup! The Bowphy is awarded to the UB unit with the highest number of gifts, and the Giving Cup is awarded to the unit with the most dollars raised.

University Archives, UB Special Collections & Archives (Image ID u2012028035)
We’re counting down the days to #GivingTuesday on December 3, 2019!
Everyone’s help is vital to make the most of this University of Baltimore giving event – and to ensure that alumni and friends can put their #BowOnPoe. Placing your #BowOnPoe gives everyone the chance to support the UB community!
We hope you’ll make your gift on Dec. 3rd to the Robert L. Bogomolny Library! When you visit our giving page, you’ll see you can choose to give to the Library Annual Giving Fund or to the UB Special Collections & Archives Annual Giving Fund Archival Maintenance Fund! Double the ways to show your Library some love!
Through the Robert L. Bogomolny Library, students at the University of Baltimore can access hundreds of specialized databases, books, and other resources to help them reach their academic goals. Students can also check out laptops or tablets to support their school work. The library provides collections, services, and environments to help students succeed in their academic work. Students and researchers alike utilize the UB Special Collections & Archives to learn about 20th Century Baltimore history and UB history.
Make your gift and place a #BowOnPoe December 3rd here!

University Archives, UB Special Collections & Archives. Image ID: u2012028033
#GivingTuesday is a great way to give back to the UB community! Help us grow by telling your friends, and ask that they do the same. You can help make this the biggest giving day yet and cover Poe with bows! Maybe this year the RLB Library can even win the Bowphy or the Giving Cup!
Give early and give often on Dec. 3rd!
If you’re interested in the history of University of Baltimore, more images of the Edgar Allen Poe Statue on Gordon Plaza, or Baltimore’s 20th Century history, remember to check out the UB Special Collections & Archives!